
domingo, 6 de junio de 2010

Image Hosting for free!

Some time ago i was remindedthat i have an account created years ago in a website, Photobucket.

Photobucket is a image host that is very usefull for storage and share images that can be used in blogs, forums and websites. The website offers to create an account for free and share pictures and videos with the web community, also shows the links (or codes) to put the pictures in other websites, forums or blogs. You can see the other user's pictures and comment his/her albums or copy some pictures in you album.

I often visit this site searching pictures to use in photoshop projects or for save some pictures in my account.

Well, i recomend it if you have a lot of pictures in you pc and you like to share them with all the people.

EDIT: Sorry, i forgot to explain why i choose a site not related with the career, well... in this site there are a lot of cute (or funny) pet pictures and i didn't know an other website related with the career


1 comentarios:

Blogger Miss ha dicho...

Some time ago i was remindedthat i have an account created years ago in a website, Photobucket.

Photobucket is a image host that is very SP usefull for storage and share images that can be used in blogs, forums and websites. The website offers to create an account for free and share pictures and videos with the web community, also shows the links (or codes) to put the pictures in other websites, forums or blogs. You can see the other user's pictures and comment his/her albums or copy some pictures in you album.

I often visit this site searching pictures to use in photoshop projects or for save some pictures in my account.

Well, i recomend it if you have a lot of pictures in you pc and you like to share them with all the people.

EDIT: Sorry, i forgot to explain why i choose a site not related with the career, well... in this site there are a lot of cute (or funny) pet pictures and i didn't know an other website related with the career


well it's not really related to your career is it?
anyway I'll check it out

8 de junio de 2010, 7:49  

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