
viernes, 18 de junio de 2010

And the favourite is...

Hi! this time I have to write about Zoology, my favourite subject in the uni.

Zoology studies the structure, diversity and evolution of the animals. This subject is my favourite because i have learn a lot of interesting things about animals and his structure, also i knew about some animals i never could imagine that exists!

The classes are very interesting but also sometimes are very boring (it depends on the teacher xD) the weekly quizzes were a headache but they helped to learn easily the subject-matter for the parcial tests.

The practical classes were the best of this subject... we could see the animals anatomy that we learned in class, also almost all of the men was transformed into butchers! and the classroom often had a bad smell.

well, lamentably this subject last only one term, but i'm sure that after this i will know others interesting subjects.


PD: i'm not sure about the number of words (my microsoft word doesn't work) i hope that is everything in order.

1 comentarios:

Blogger Miss ha dicho...

Hi! this time I have to write about Zoology, my favourite subject in the uni.

Zoology studies the structure, diversity and evolution of the animals. This subject is my favourite because i have WF learn a lot of interesting things about animals and WW his structure, also i knew about some animals i never could imagine that exists!

The classes are very interesting but also sometimes are very boring (it depends on the teacher xD) the weekly quizzes were a headache but they helped to learn easily the subject-matter for the parcial tests.

The practical classes were the best of this subject... we could see the animals anatomy that we learned in class, also almost all of the SVA men was transformed into butchers! and the classroom often had a bad smell.

well, WW lamentably this subject last only one term, but i'm sure that after this i will know others interesting subjects.


PD: i'm not sure about the number of words (my microsoft word doesn't work) i hope that is everything in order.

well done! I'm glad you liked this subject. it must be quite interesting

27 de junio de 2010, 13:34  

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