
miércoles, 19 de mayo de 2010

Too many cuestions

why i choose to be a veterinian? well, my priority was study a health career but when i confessed that to my friends they cuestion my decision because a (very lazy) humanist student couldn't be good in science. I didn't believe that and after the PSU i select nursing how first option because there are many job offers in Chile and my NEM didn't help me to study another career, but when i saw veterinary in the list i remember when i was a child that dreamt to be a veterinian and i choose this how third option.

Well,i didn't know how, but i was accepted and i started to study on march. The university is incredible, the people is so friendly and i do some friends more easy what i thought.


I need to study so much! ¬¬

2 comentarios:

Blogger Miss ha dicho...

why i TENSE choose to be a veterinian? well, my priority was^ study a health career but when i confessed that to my friends they SP cuestion my decision because a (very lazy) humanist student couldn't be good in science. I didn't believe that and after the PSU i select nursing how first option because there are many job offers in Chile and my NEM didn't help me to study another career, but when i saw veterinary in the list i remember when i was a child that dreamt to be a veterinian and i choose this WW how third option.

Well,i didn't know how, but i was accepted and i started to study WW on CAPS march. The university is incredible, the people SVA is so friendly and i do some friends more easy what i thought.


I need to study so much! ¬¬

well that's true you need to get used to the uni life'style
good luck!
check the corrections

23 de mayo de 2010, 18:25  
Blogger javy.enriquez ha dicho...

hello, how was your weekend??
good, i'm here commenting the blogs of my classmates.
I imagine that we go to make the work together with Caro =D
In this case we should start it...
a hug,

6 de junio de 2010, 18:50  

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