
miércoles, 19 de mayo de 2010

Too many cuestions

why i choose to be a veterinian? well, my priority was study a health career but when i confessed that to my friends they cuestion my decision because a (very lazy) humanist student couldn't be good in science. I didn't believe that and after the PSU i select nursing how first option because there are many job offers in Chile and my NEM didn't help me to study another career, but when i saw veterinary in the list i remember when i was a child that dreamt to be a veterinian and i choose this how third option.

Well,i didn't know how, but i was accepted and i started to study on march. The university is incredible, the people is so friendly and i do some friends more easy what i thought.


I need to study so much! ¬¬

martes, 4 de mayo de 2010

Welcome to my blog ^^

Well, first at all i need to explain what is it.

In our english class we must to create a english blog by way of evaluation and publish an entry about an issue choosen by ourself. The problem was that, what issue could i choose? my cuestion had never answer... but i had a idea: write about the creation of my blog and after think something else to write.

I still need some time to think about what issue I would write, but just i finish to think i go to write here ;)